Published in FEATURES  
KANG.D of D.GNAK KANG.D of D.GNAK Photo courtesy of D.GNAK

Fashion Designer turns Imprecision into Perfection

D.GNAK, a Korean-born fashion designer trained in New York, believes truly outstanding designs don't need to make sense and has created intriguing pieces that fail tofollow mainstream design concepts. His logo, which is the reverse mirror image of his name, captures the uniqueness of his brand that goes against popular templates. Launched in 2008, the D.GNAK men’s clothing line has achieved global success. KANG. D. shared his international influences and inspirations with Seoul Journal

SJ: What drives and inspires your vision?

KANG: I don't get inspiration from specific things. I usually get inspiration from daily life. For example, I get inspired by lines from movies that I liked, lyrics from songs that I listen to and from conversations around me. My inspirations are found in my daily routine.

SJ: When did you first become interested in fashion?

KANG: : During my time in elementary school, I realized that one's expression of fashion enhances one's true character. I started saving my pocket money at an early age and bought clothes that intrigued my interest.

SJ: Can you tell us about your early education in fashion?

KANG: I believe my fashion education began when I bought clothes for myself at an early age. My education in fashion started in 1998 at Han Sung University where I studied dress construction.However, before my University education, my mother taught me many aspects of design which were very important to me and my path in fashion.

SJ: What is the most important piece of clothing that a man can have?

KANG:: It can be a fashionable item which suits a man, but in my opinion a fashionable piece of clothing is one that covers one's weakness and compliments other qualities. For example, a big face can be covered by an oversize top and a striped top can make someone look thinner.

SJ: What is the unique feature of D.GNAK that sets it apart from other brands?

KANG: People usually think about my uniqueness. I also think I am different because it is me.I get influence from other people or circumstances, but I take it in my way. D.GNAK is the same. It is my brand and started from me; it is different as I am different.

SJ: How different is creating a style for a celebrity from for non-celebrities?

KANG: I don't make design for a specific person. I don't think celebrities are different, so there is no difference.

SJ: If a man asked you for fashion advice for everyday life, what would you tell them?

KANG: Don’t think too much about what would suit you. A man has to wear more and experience more.If a man wears many items and enjoys wearing clothes, he will find the look and items that matches him.

SJ: Who are your favorite local and international designers?

KANG: I personally admire Yohji Yamamoto. Other than him I don't have any others in mind. I just respect other designers all the same.

SJ: Is there something you keep in mind while designing, no matter what kind of clothing you are creating?

KANG: Back to the basics and wearable clothes. These two things are my basics ideas.

SJ: Do you think fashion is like any other form of art? Or does it strike you as something very different from art forms like music or cinema?

KANG: Each art form has its own position and characteristic. Fashion is not different from other art forms, they are all connected in terms of their difference and commonality.

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Written By:

Anthony Al-Jamie lived and worked in Japan for over 20 years. His in-depth understanding of Japanese language and culture has allowed him to carry out interviews with many of the most renowned individuals in Japan. He first began writing for the Tokyo Journal in the 1990s as Education Editor, later he was promoted to Senior Editor, and eventually International Editor and Executive Editor. He currently serves the Tokyo Journal and Seoul Journal as Editor-in-Chief.




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